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Our Story
We've tried over 500 different gins!
Hi you,
We're so glad and grateful you're here to listen more about our story :) Craft Gins Co began as an idea - we wanted to introduce great gins to our friends after having tried over 500 gins (and counting) around the world!
So we packed our corporate boxes, left our cushiony jobs and started our exciting venture! It's been a really tough and fulfilling ride for us. Meeting you guys in person at our fairs, workshops, and knowing that you've learned a thing or two about the art of hand crafted gins and picked up one you really enjoy - makes it all worth while!
So here we are - Singapore's first gin-exclusive retail and subscription platform. We choose to support passionate small-scale, gin distillers who dedicate their life to their craft to earn an honest living.
The gins you see here are curated and tasted by us, of great quality, and made sustainably with 100% natural botanicals, nothing artificial.
We hope you enjoy your gin journey with us :) We'd love to know more about you and share our love of gins with you in person! Hope to see you soon!
Su Lin, Co-founder of Craft Gins Co
Personal Recommendations
Su's Recommendations
Go-to gins:
Complex, incredibly smooth, spice forward, tea-based, citrus-y, good balance of botanicals
I love complex and well balanced gins, with different flavour profiles - herbal, fruity, citrusy, flowery, piney - all in one gin.
Among my favourites are Irish Gunpowder, Redsmith London Dry Gin, Animus Aboretum Gin, St George Botanivore, Dancing Sands Saffron Gin, Giniversity Botanical. They stand out for their exceptional depth and smoothness, in a class of their own.
If you're getting gins for a gathering, I suggest getting a good complex dry gin, something unique (tea-based for me), a citrus gin, and a floral gin.
Here are some of my picks:
Amazing complex dry gins - Scapegrace Gold, Saffron Gin, Canberra Dry, Bareksten
Piney - Giniversity Botanical
Tea like - Half Hitch, Kinotea