Dancing Sands Sun-Kissed Gin 200ml (Strawberry)
Dancing Sands originates from The Dancing Sands Spring at Te Waikoropupu Springs is the clearest spring in the world with under water visibility of up-to 81 metres. The purity of the spring serves as inspiration for everything we do!
In this gin, we start with our classic award winning Dancing Sands Dry Gin and infuse fresh strawberries and rhubarb to impart a natural, distinctive taste.
The gin has a slight lovable sweetness from strawberry notes and a delicate balance with the tartness of rhubarb. The original dry gin layers of cardamom, and coriander shine through making this gin quite complex. It is aromatic, fresh, and smooth and dangerously drinkable.
Because we are using real ingredients, the colour of the gin will fade over time and sediment will occur. Nature doesn’t stay pink for too long!
Serving Suggestions:
Great when mixed with champagne and a splash of soda water! Pairs with light tonic garnished with strawberries
Sun & Soda
30ml Sun-Kissed Gin
60ml Soda water
Red berries or mint to garnish
Sunny Spritz
30ml Sun-Kissed Gin
60ml Prosecco
Top off your champagne flute with soda water.
Berries to garnish
About Dancing Sands:
We start from the most stunning place on the planet, Golden Bay New Zealand. From our natural landscapes with marbled mountains to golden sandy beaches to our beautiful water, everything is a little bit better in Golden Bay. Where the aquas are more aqua and blues are more blue, even our light gives us a brighter beginning.